Cold Brew Coffee Latte

Cold Brew Coffee Latte

Raquel Murillo
Indulge in the velvety goodness of a Cold Brew Coffee Latte, a refreshing blend of smooth cold brew concentrate and creamy milk. This recipe offers a perfect balance of flavors for a delightful coffee experience.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Cuisine American
Servings 2
Calories 50 kcal


  • 1 Large jar or pitcher for cold brew steeping
  • 1 Fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth for straining
  • 1 Mixing spoon
  • 2 Tall glasses for serving
  • 1 Ice cubes Tray (optional)


  • 1 cup coarsely ground coffee beans
  • 4 cups cold or room temperature filtered water
  • 1 cup milk of your choice whole milk, skim milk, almond milk, etc.
  • Sweetener to taste sugar, honey, or flavored syrup
  • Ice cubes


Prepare Cold Brew Concentrate:

  • In a large jar or pitcher, combine coarsely ground coffee beans with cold or room temperature filtered water.
  • Stir gently to ensure even saturation.
  • Cover and let it steep in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours.

Strain Cold Brew Concentrate:

  • After steeping, strain the cold brew concentrate using a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove coffee grounds.
  • Transfer the concentrate to a clean jar or container.

Mix Cold Brew Coffee Latte:

  • In a tall glass, combine 1 part cold brew concentrate with 1 part milk. Adjust the ratio based on your preference.
  • Add sweetener to taste and stir well to combine.

Serve Over Ice (Optional):

  • If desired, add ice cubes to your Cold Brew Coffee Latte for a refreshing chill.

Garnish (Optional):

  • Garnish with a sprinkle of cocoa powder, cinnamon, or a drizzle of syrup for an extra touch of flavor.


  • Experiment with different coffee-to-water ratios during cold brew steeping to find your preferred strength.
  • Customize your Cold Brew Coffee Latte by trying various milk types, sweeteners, and flavorings.
  • Store any leftover cold brew concentrate in the refrigerator for future use. It stays fresh for several days.
  • Adjust sweetness levels to suit your taste, and feel free to get creative with additional flavorings for a personalized touch.
Refreshing Cold Brew Coffee Latte for Summer

Cold Brew Coffee Latte is a refreshing and indulgent twist on the classic cold brew coffee, combining the smoothness of cold brew with the creamy richness of a latte. This trendy beverage has gained popularity for its mellow flavor profile and higher caffeine content, making it a favorite among coffee enthusiasts.

In this guide, we’ll explore the key aspects of crafting the perfect Cold Brew Coffee Latte, from selecting the right ingredients to preparing and enjoying this delightful drink. Whether you’re a coffee connoisseur or a casual drinker, Cold Brew Coffee Latte offers a unique and satisfying coffee experience.

Ingredients for Cold Brew Coffee Latte

Ingredients for Cold Brew Coffee Latte

Crafting the perfect Cold Brew Coffee Latte requires a thoughtful selection of high-quality ingredients.

Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll need:

Coffee Beans:

  • Choose a medium to coarse grind for optimal cold brew extraction.
  • Experiment with different coffee bean varieties to find your preferred flavor profile.


  • Use filtered water for the best taste.
  • The water-to-coffee ratio will influence the strength of your cold brew concentrate.


  • Opt for your favorite milk variety – whole milk, skim milk, almond milk, or any alternative.
  • Adjust the quantity based on your preferred level of creaminess.

Sweeteners (Optional):

  • Customize your Cold Brew Coffee Latte by adding sweeteners like sugar, honey, or flavored syrups.
  • Adjust sweetness according to your taste preferences.

Ice Cubes (Optional):

  • Enhance the refreshing nature of your cold brew by adding ice cubes.
  • Use specialty ice cubes, like coffee ice or flavored cubes, for an extra touch.

Gathering these simple yet crucial ingredients will set the foundation for a delightful Cold Brew Coffee Latte experience. Experiment with proportions to create the perfect balance that suits your taste preferences.

Making the Perfect Cold Brew Coffee

Crafting exceptional cold brew coffee requires attention to detail and a bit of patience.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to achieving the perfect cold brew:

Choosing the Right Coffee Beans:

  • Select high-quality, coarsely ground coffee beans for optimal extraction.
  • Experiment with different roasts and blends to find the flavor profile you enjoy.

Grinding Coffee Beans:

  • Grind the coffee beans to a coarse consistency, similar to breadcrumbs.
  • Avoid a fine grind, as it can result in over-extraction and bitterness.

Brewing Process:

  • Combine the coarsely ground coffee with cold or room temperature filtered water.
  • Use a coffee-to-water ratio of about 1:4 or 1:5, adjusting to your taste preference.
  • Stir the mixture gently to ensure even saturation.

Steeping Time:

  • Allow the coffee and water mixture to steep for an extended period, typically 12 to 24 hours.
  • Longer steeping times result in a stronger and more concentrated cold brew.


  • After steeping, strain the cold brew concentrate to remove the coffee grounds.
  • Use a fine-mesh sieve, cheesecloth, or a dedicated cold brew coffee maker for this step.

By following these steps, you’ll create a smooth and flavorful cold brew coffee concentrate. This concentrated brew serves as the base for your Cold Brew Coffee Latte, offering a robust coffee flavor without the bitterness associated with hot brewing methods. Experiment with different brewing times to find the perfect balance for your taste buds.

Preparing Cold Brew Coffee Latte

Now that you have your cold brew coffee concentrate, it’s time to transform it into a delicious Cold Brew Coffee Latte.

Follow these steps for a delightful experience:

Mixing Cold Brew Concentrate:

  • Start with a clean glass or cup.
  • Pour the desired amount of cold brew concentrate into the container.

Adding Milk:

  • Choose your preferred type of milk – whole milk, skim milk, almond milk, or any alternative.
  • Pour the milk into the glass, adjusting the quantity based on your desired creaminess.

Sweetening to Taste:

  • If you prefer a sweetened Cold Brew Coffee Latte, add sweeteners like sugar, honey, or flavored syrups.
  • Stir well to ensure even distribution of sweetness.

Optional Flavorings:

  • Get creative by adding flavorings like vanilla extract, caramel, or chocolate for an extra layer of taste.
  • Experiment with different flavor combinations to find your signature Cold Brew Coffee Latte.

Mix Thoroughly:

  • Stir the mixture gently but thoroughly to blend the cold brew concentrate, milk, and any added ingredients.
  • Ensure a well-mixed, homogeneous beverage.

Ice Cubes (Optional):

  • Enhance the refreshing quality of your Cold Brew Coffee Latte by adding ice cubes.
  • Specialty ice cubes, such as coffee ice or flavored cubes, can add a unique touch.

By following these simple steps, you’ll transform your cold brew concentrate into a velvety, flavorful Cold Brew Coffee Latte. Adjust the milk-to-coffee ratio, sweetness level, and additional flavorings according to your taste preferences. Now, you’re ready to savor the rich and smooth taste of your homemade Cold Brew Coffee Latte.

Benefits of Cold Brew Coffee Latte

Indulging in a Cold Brew Coffee Latte goes beyond its delicious taste; it also offers several enticing benefits for coffee enthusiasts.

Here’s why this trendy beverage is gaining popularity:

Lower Acidity:

  • Cold brewing reduces the acidity in coffee, resulting in a smoother and milder flavor.
  • Ideal for individuals who are sensitive to acidic beverages.

Smooth and Mellow Flavor Profile:

  • Cold brew coffee is known for its velvety texture and mellow taste.
  • The combination of cold brew concentrate and creamy milk in a latte creates a harmonious flavor balance.

Increased Caffeine Content:

  • Cold brew coffee is often more concentrated than traditional hot brews, providing a higher caffeine kick.
  • Offers an energizing boost for those seeking a potent caffeine fix.

Refreshing and Versatile:

  • Cold Brew Coffee Lattes are inherently refreshing, making them perfect for hot days or as a pick-me-up in any season.
  • Versatile and customizable, allowing you to experiment with different milk types, sweeteners, and flavorings.

Extended Shelf Life:

  • Cold brew concentrate can be stored in the refrigerator for an extended period without compromising flavor.
  • Convenient for those who enjoy having coffee readily available.

Reduced Bitterness:

  • Cold brewing minimizes the extraction of bitter compounds, resulting in a smoother and less bitter taste.
  • Appeals to individuals who prefer a gentler coffee experience.

Artisanal and Trendy Appeal:

  • Cold Brew Coffee Lattes have gained popularity as a trendy and artisanal beverage, appreciated by coffee enthusiasts and casual drinkers alike.
  • Perfect for those looking to explore new and innovative coffee trends.

Customizable to Preferences:

  • Easily tailored to individual taste preferences with options for milk choices, sweetness levels, and additional flavorings.
  • Encourages creativity in crafting a personalized coffee experience.

Enjoying a Cold Brew Coffee Latte not only satisfies your coffee cravings but also brings a variety of sensory experiences and health-conscious benefits. Whether you’re a seasoned coffee aficionado or a casual drinker, the Cold Brew Coffee Latte offers a delightful and refreshing alternative to traditional coffee beverages.

Serving and Presentation

Elevate your Cold Brew Coffee Latte experience by paying attention to serving and presentation.

Here’s how to make your beverage visually appealing and enjoyable:

Glassware Choices:

  • Select a glass or cup that complements the aesthetics of your Cold Brew Coffee Latte.
  • Transparent glassware showcases the rich colors and layers of the drink.

Ice Presentation:

  • If you’re using ice cubes, consider using large, clear cubes to enhance the visual appeal.
  • Layer the ice strategically to create an enticing and refreshing look.

Garnishes and Toppings:

  • Garnish the top of your Cold Brew Coffee Latte with a sprinkle of cocoa powder, cinnamon, or nutmeg for a touch of elegance.
  • Add a swirl of whipped cream or a drizzle of caramel or chocolate syrup for a decadent finish.

Strategic Mixing:

  • Mix the Cold Brew Coffee Latte gently to create a marbled or layered effect.
  • Use a long spoon or stirring stick for an elegant touch.

Straw or Stir Stick:

  • Include a reusable straw or a stylish stir stick for convenient sipping and stirring.
  • Choose materials and designs that enhance the overall presentation.

Branding and Personalization:

  • Consider adding a personalized touch, such as a branded coaster or a custom coffee sleeve.
  • Create a memorable experience with a unique presentation that reflects your style.

Accompanying Treats:

  • Serve your Cold Brew Coffee Latte with a side of small pastries, cookies, or chocolate.
  • Consider the overall aesthetic of the accompanying treats for a cohesive presentation.

Photogenic Setup:

  • Arrange your Cold Brew Coffee Latte in a well-lit space for optimal photos.
  • Capture the layers and textures to share your coffee creation on social media.

By focusing on the serving and presentation of your Cold Brew Coffee Latte, you enhance the overall experience, making it not only a delicious beverage but also a visually appealing treat. Experiment with different elements to find a presentation style that suits your taste and adds a touch of sophistication to your coffee ritual.

Popular Variations of Cold Brew Coffee Latte

Embrace the versatility of Cold Brew Coffee Latte by exploring popular variations that add unique flavors and dimensions to this trendy beverage.

Here are some creative twists to enhance your Cold Brew experience:

Vanilla Cold Brew Latte:

  • Infuse your Cold Brew Coffee Latte with the sweet and aromatic notes of vanilla extract.
  • Garnish with a vanilla bean or a sprinkle of vanilla sugar for an extra touch.

Caramel Cold Brew Latte:

  • Add a luscious layer of caramel sweetness to your latte by incorporating caramel syrup or sauce.
  • Drizzle caramel on top for a visually appealing presentation.

Mocha Cold Brew Latte:

  • Introduce a chocolatey indulgence by mixing cocoa or chocolate syrup into your Cold Brew Coffee Latte.
  • Top with a dusting of cocoa powder for a delightful mocha experience.

Iced Almond Milk Cold Brew Latte:

  • Opt for a dairy-free alternative by using almond milk in your Cold Brew Coffee Latte.
  • The nutty flavor of almond milk complements the smoothness of cold brew.

Hazelnut Cold Brew Latte:

  • Infuse hazelnut syrup into your Cold Brew Coffee Latte for a rich and nutty flavor.
  • Garnish with crushed hazelnuts for added texture.

Coconut Cold Brew Latte:

  • Create a tropical twist by incorporating coconut milk into your Cold Brew Coffee Latte.
  • Garnish with shredded coconut or a coconut milk foam for extra flair.

Maple Cold Brew Latte:

  • Sweeten your latte with the rich and natural sweetness of maple syrup.
  • A sprinkle of cinnamon on top complements the maple flavor beautifully.

Peppermint Cold Brew Latte (Seasonal):

  • Add a festive touch by infusing your Cold Brew Coffee Latte with peppermint extract or peppermint syrup.
  • Top with crushed candy canes for a seasonal treat.

Spiced Cold Brew Latte (Seasonal):

  • Embrace the cozy vibes by incorporating warm spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves into your latte.
  • Perfect for a comforting beverage during colder months.

Citrus Cold Brew Latte:

  • Introduce a burst of freshness by adding a hint of citrus, such as orange or lemon zest, to your Cold Brew Coffee Latte.
  • Ideal for a zesty and revitalizing twist.

Explore these variations to discover your favorite Cold Brew Coffee Latte flavor. Don’t hesitate to mix and match ingredients to create your own signature concoction, adding a personal touch to your coffee ritual.

Tips for a Perfect Cold Brew Coffee Latte Experience

Enhance your Cold Brew Coffee Latte game with these practical tips to ensure a consistently delightful and satisfying experience:

Start with Quality Coffee Beans:

  • Choose high-quality, freshly roasted coffee beans to lay the foundation for a flavorful cold brew concentrate.

Experiment with Coffee-to-Water Ratio:

  • Adjust the coffee-to-water ratio during the brewing process to find the strength that suits your taste preferences.

Use Cold or Room Temperature Water:

  • Opt for cold or room temperature water when brewing your cold brew concentrate to avoid bitterness.

Patience is Key:

  • Allow the coffee and water mixture to steep for an extended period, typically between 12 to 24 hours, for a well-extracted concentrate.

Invest in Coarse Grinding:

  • Grind your coffee beans to a coarse consistency to prevent over-extraction and bitterness.

Store Cold Brew Concentrate Properly:

  • Store your cold brew concentrate in a sealed container in the refrigerator to maintain freshness and flavor.

Personalize Milk Choices:

  • Experiment with different types of milk – whole milk, skim milk, almond milk, etc. – to find the level of creaminess you enjoy.

Adjust Sweetness Levels:

  • Customize the sweetness of your Cold Brew Coffee Latte by adding sugar, honey, or flavored syrups to suit your taste.

Play with Flavorings:

  • Explore various flavorings like vanilla, caramel, or chocolate to add a unique twist to your latte.

Cold Brew Ice Cubes:

  • Freeze some of your cold brew concentrate into ice cubes to prevent dilution as they melt in your latte.

Maintain a Clean Grinder:

  • Regularly clean your coffee grinder to prevent the accumulation of old coffee residues that can affect the taste of your cold brew.

Experiment with Brewing Time:

  • Adjust the steeping time based on your preferences; longer steeping times result in a stronger concentrate.

Serve in a Cold Glass:

  • Chill your glass or cup before serving to maintain the cold temperature of your Cold Brew Coffee Latte.

Garnish Thoughtfully:

  • Add visually appealing garnishes like cocoa powder, cinnamon, or a drizzle of syrup for a finishing touch.

Share and Enjoy:

  • Cold Brew Coffee Latte is a versatile beverage, so don’t hesitate to share your creations with friends and family for a collective coffee experience.

By incorporating these tips into your Cold Brew Coffee Latte routine, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of crafting a perfect and personalized cold brew beverage every time.

Cold Brew Coffee Latte vs. Traditional Iced Coffee

Explore the distinctions between Cold Brew Coffee Latte and Traditional Iced Coffee to make an informed choice based on your preferences:

Brewing Method:

  • Cold Brew Coffee Latte: Made by steeping coarsely ground coffee beans in cold or room temperature water for an extended period (12-24 hours). It is then mixed with milk and optional flavorings.
  • Traditional Iced Coffee: Brewed using hot water, typically double-strength, and then cooled down before being poured over ice. It may or may not include milk.

Flavor Profile:

  • Cold Brew Coffee Latte: Known for its smooth, mellow, and less acidic taste due to the cold extraction process. The addition of milk creates a creamy and balanced flavor.
  • Traditional Iced Coffee: Has a bolder and more acidic flavor profile compared to cold brew. The flavor can vary based on the coffee beans and brewing method.


  • Cold Brew Coffee Latte: Lower in acidity, making it a gentler option for those sensitive to acidic beverages.
  • Traditional Iced Coffee: Generally has a higher acidity, providing a more pronounced and vibrant coffee flavor.

Strength and Caffeine Content:

  • Cold Brew Coffee Latte: Can be more concentrated, with a higher caffeine content due to the extended steeping time. The addition of milk balances the strength.
  • Traditional Iced Coffee: May have a standard coffee strength, and the caffeine content is influenced by the brewing method and the coffee-to-water ratio.

Preparation Time:

  • Cold Brew Coffee Latte: Requires advanced preparation due to the extended steeping time (12-24 hours). The result is a concentrated cold brew that can be mixed with milk.
  • Traditional Iced Coffee: Brewed relatively quickly with hot water and then cooled down, making it a more immediate option.

Texture and Mouthfeel:

  • Cold Brew Coffee Latte: Offers a velvety and smooth texture, especially when combined with milk, resulting in a creamy mouthfeel.
  • Traditional Iced Coffee: Tends to be lighter in texture and may lack the thickness associated with the milk-infused Cold Brew Coffee Latte.


  • Cold Brew Coffee Latte: Highly customizable with options for milk choices, sweetness levels, and flavorings, allowing for a personalized coffee experience.
  • Traditional Iced Coffee: Customizable in terms of sweetness and choice of milk, but may not offer the same depth of customization as Cold Brew Coffee Latte.

Choosing between Cold Brew Coffee Latte and Traditional Iced Coffee ultimately depends on your taste preferences and the desired characteristics of your coffee. Whether you prefer a smooth and creamy experience or a bold and traditional coffee flavor, both options provide refreshing ways to enjoy coffee over ice.

FAQs About Cold Brew Coffee Latte

Curious about Cold Brew Coffee Latte? Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers to help you understand and perfect your Cold Brew experience:

Q: What is Cold Brew Coffee Latte?

A: Cold Brew Coffee Latte is a beverage that combines cold brew coffee concentrate with milk, creating a smooth, mellow, and creamy coffee drink.

Q: How is Cold Brew Coffee Latte different from regular cold brew or iced coffee?

A: Cold Brew Coffee Latte includes milk, providing a creamier texture, whereas regular cold brew is just concentrated coffee and iced coffee is hot-brewed coffee that is chilled and served over ice.

Q: Can I use any type of milk in a Cold Brew Coffee Latte?

A: Yes, you can use any type of milk or milk alternative based on your preferences, such as whole milk, skim milk, almond milk, or oat milk.

Q: Does Cold Brew Coffee Latte have more caffeine than regular coffee?

A: Cold Brew Coffee Latte can have more caffeine than regular hot-brewed coffee because the cold brew concentrate is often more concentrated.

Q: How long does it take to make Cold Brew Coffee Latte?

A: Making Cold Brew Coffee Latte involves two steps. Cold brew concentrate needs to steep for 12-24 hours, and then the latte itself can be prepared in a few minutes.

Q: Can I sweeten my Cold Brew Coffee Latte?

A: Yes, you can sweeten your Cold Brew Coffee Latte to taste by adding sugar, honey, or flavored syrups during the preparation.

Q: Are there variations of Cold Brew Coffee Latte?

A: Absolutely! Popular variations include Vanilla Cold Brew Latte, Caramel Cold Brew Latte, and other creative twists with different flavorings.

Q: Can I make a decaffeinated Cold Brew Coffee Latte?

A: Yes, you can use decaffeinated coffee beans to make a decaf version of Cold Brew Coffee Latte.

Q: How should I store leftover Cold Brew Coffee Latte?

A: Store leftover Cold Brew Coffee Latte in a sealed container in the refrigerator. It’s best consumed within a day or two for optimal freshness.

Q: Can I make Cold Brew Coffee Latte without a cold brew maker?

A: Yes, you can make Cold Brew Coffee Latte without a dedicated cold brew maker. Use a jar or pitcher for steeping and strain the coffee using a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth.

Q: What’s the ideal serving temperature for Cold Brew Coffee Latte?

A: Cold Brew Coffee Latte is typically served over ice, making it refreshing. However, you can adjust the amount of ice based on your preference.

These FAQs should help clarify some common queries about Cold Brew Coffee Latte, allowing you to enjoy this delightful beverage with confidence and creativity.

Conclusion and Enjoying Your Cold Brew Coffee Latte

mastering the art of Cold Brew Coffee Latte offers a delightful and customizable coffee experience. By combining the smoothness of cold brew concentrate with the creaminess of milk, you create a refreshing and indulgent beverage.

Here are some final tips for savoring your Cold Brew Coffee Latte:

Sip and Savor:

  • Take the time to appreciate the rich flavors and velvety texture of your Cold Brew Coffee Latte. Sip slowly to fully enjoy each layer.

Experiment with Variations:

  • Don’t hesitate to explore different variations, whether it’s trying new flavorings, adjusting sweetness levels, or experimenting with alternative milks.

Personalize Your Ritual:

  • Make the preparation of Cold Brew Coffee Latte a personal ritual. Enjoy the process of crafting your perfect cup, from brewing the concentrate to adding the finishing touches.

Share the Experience:

  • Share your Cold Brew Coffee Latte creations with friends and family. It’s a beverage meant to be enjoyed and appreciated together.

Capture the Moment:

  • If you’ve created a visually stunning Cold Brew Coffee Latte, consider capturing the moment. Share your coffee art on social media or simply appreciate the aesthetic before taking that first sip.

Adjust to Seasons:

  • Cold Brew Coffee Latte is versatile and can be enjoyed year-round. Adjust the sweetness, flavorings, and even the temperature of your latte based on the season and your mood.

Continued Exploration:

  • The world of coffee is vast and ever-evolving. Continue exploring new coffee beans, flavor combinations, and brewing techniques to keep your Cold Brew Coffee Latte experience exciting.

Remember, making the perfect Cold Brew Coffee Latte is an art that combines precision and creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned coffee enthusiast or just starting your coffee journey, this beverage offers a canvas for expression and enjoyment. So, go ahead, take a sip, and relish in the satisfaction of a well-crafted Cold Brew Coffee Latte.

Cold Brew Coffee Latte

Raquel Murillo
Indulge in the velvety goodness of a Cold Brew Coffee Latte, a refreshing blend of smooth cold brew concentrate and creamy milk. This recipe offers a perfect balance of flavors for a delightful coffee experience.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Cuisine American
Servings 2
Calories 50 kcal


  • 1 Large jar or pitcher for cold brew steeping
  • 1 Fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth for straining
  • 1 Mixing spoon
  • 2 Tall glasses for serving
  • 1 Ice cubes Tray (optional)


  • 1 cup coarsely ground coffee beans
  • 4 cups cold or room temperature filtered water
  • 1 cup milk of your choice whole milk, skim milk, almond milk, etc.
  • Sweetener to taste sugar, honey, or flavored syrup
  • Ice cubes


Prepare Cold Brew Concentrate:

  • In a large jar or pitcher, combine coarsely ground coffee beans with cold or room temperature filtered water.
  • Stir gently to ensure even saturation.
  • Cover and let it steep in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours.

Strain Cold Brew Concentrate:

  • After steeping, strain the cold brew concentrate using a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove coffee grounds.
  • Transfer the concentrate to a clean jar or container.

Mix Cold Brew Coffee Latte:

  • In a tall glass, combine 1 part cold brew concentrate with 1 part milk. Adjust the ratio based on your preference.
  • Add sweetener to taste and stir well to combine.

Serve Over Ice (Optional):

  • If desired, add ice cubes to your Cold Brew Coffee Latte for a refreshing chill.

Garnish (Optional):

  • Garnish with a sprinkle of cocoa powder, cinnamon, or a drizzle of syrup for an extra touch of flavor.


  • Experiment with different coffee-to-water ratios during cold brew steeping to find your preferred strength.
  • Customize your Cold Brew Coffee Latte by trying various milk types, sweeteners, and flavorings.
  • Store any leftover cold brew concentrate in the refrigerator for future use. It stays fresh for several days.
  • Adjust sweetness levels to suit your taste, and feel free to get creative with additional flavorings for a personalized touch.
Raquel Murillo

Raquel Murillo, a barista with a passion for both coffee and storytelling. Hailing from a charming hometown, she doesn't just brew beverages; she crafts narratives in every cup. Beyond the espresso machine, Raquel is a dedicated wordsmith, infusing her creations with the richness of diverse experiences. Join her on a journey where the aroma of freshly ground coffee intertwines with the essence of compelling narratives, creating a unique blend that captivates both the palate and the imagination.

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